Sunday, May 1, 2016

The History of The Telephone

Alexander Graham Bell (Courtesy:

The link above directs you to where readers can learn about the history of the telephone.

After reading this article, I was astonished at how involved Alexander Graham Bell was after inventing the telephone and creating a new industry. I found it interesting that doctors and pharmacists became the early adopters of this new product while it was no surprise to learn that the wealthy were among the first to acquire the telephone as well. History has shown that the wealthy have always tried to stay concurrent with all the newest trends. Even more so today as social status is greatly dictated by the number of assets one has in their possession and how expensive it is. 

The telephone is one of mankind's greatest inventions. It revolutionized the way people communicate across long distances and increased the chances of a recipient receiving a message. Without Alexander Graham Bell's invention, widely successful companies such as AT&T and Verizon may never have existed. I would imagine that a world without cellphones would be less exciting and much more inconvenient. From the perspective of social interaction, people would not be able to communicate as easy throughout the day, talking less frequently than with a phone. From the perspective of commerce, people would lose the option of paying with their phone, restricting the maximum profits made by businesses. Overall, the world should recognize Bell's contribution to society and appreciate his great invention. 

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