Youtube Video of Yoko Ono's 1965 Cut Piece
(Courtesy: satumtrak)
Yoko Ono's 1965 cut piece was a great example of performance art. She subjected herself to the will of the public. It was a bold choice to let the audience interact with her as a live art installation. Much more credit is given to her for letting the audience cut off her clothes. I don't fully understand the message or original intent behind this performance art, however, I know it provides deep meaning into the life and beliefs of Yoko Ono. Being as prominent of a social figure as she is, this performance art is one to be admired for bravery and impact. The music that accompanies the video is certainly strange enough to make listeners reevaluate what they are watching solely based on the eclectic sounds made throughout the track. It is worth noting that throughout the entire video she maintains a calm and soothing look, rarely phased by the audiences interactions. Overall, I enjoyed Yoko Ono's cut piece, although it is not an approach at performance art I would take myself.
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